Of all children in Ghana aged 5 to17 years, about 21 per cent are involved in child labour and 14 per cent are engaged in hazardous forms of labour. This is twice as common in rural areas. ... In all regions, the vast majority of working children are unpaid family workers between the ages of 5 and 7 years

The average monthly earnings for three-fourths of child workers was less than 2,000 cedis (about $1.25), which is far below the national minimum wage of 12,000 cedis (about $7.70). In Ghana a separate survey of street children was conducted. Children in Ghana engage in the worst forms of child labor, including in fishing and cocoa harvesting, each sometimes as a result of human trafficking.
In Ghana, 21.8% of children between the ages of five and seventeen years are engaged in child labour with additional 14.2% involved in hazardous forms of child labour (Ghana Statistical Service, 2014). There isn't a country in the world that isn't touched by modern slavery, but in Ghana, it is estimated that 103,300 people are modern-day slaves. The International Labour Organization estimates that 21,000 children are engaged in hazardous labour on Lake Volta in Ghana, the largest man-made lake in the world.